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Getting Your Zinc

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Getting Your Zinc

Meeting recommended intakes of zinc appears to be a challenge for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Whole grains, nuts, dried beans and tofu are good plant based sources of zinc.



9/25/2007 2:01:02 PM
Dr. Pill said:

Zinc is so incredibly important that adequate intake should not be left up to chance. Hundreds of important enzymes require zinc for their activity, including those that repair DNA and make protein. Zinc deficiency may be the critical factor in the rise of autism. It is also key to detox, since it inhibits the uptake of heavy metals from the gut. Zinc is also a major player in antioxidant protection. Do yourself a major favor and take a zinc supplement. Most multivitamins contain zinc, but make sure it is in a chelated (organic) form, like zinc gluconate or picolinate.


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