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Carob Truffle Bars

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What is a recipe for vegetarian bar cookies or a chocolate dessert?

Carob Truffle Bars

Here is a recipe for very rich and delicious bar cookies:

2 cups graham crackers, broken up

1/2 cup margarine

1 tbsp brown sugar

3 level tbsps carob powder

2 tbsps corn syrup

1 cup raisins

8 oz carob bar

Crush the graham crackers finely with a rolling pin and place in a mixing bowl. Place the margarine, sugar, carob powder, and syrup in saucepan and melt over low heat, stirring constantly. Combine the crumbs and raisins. Mix all ingredients and press into 8 inch pan. Melt the carob bar over hot water or in microwave. Cover the cake with the melted bar, and refrigerate until cold. Cut into squares and store in an airtight container.



8/31/2011 9:21:37 PM
mojo said:

very yummy i love it

1/19/2012 3:47:47 PM
Michelle said:

this is great, I've had carob powder sitting in my pantry for forever and I had no idea what to do with it!


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